Nuclear Decontamination & Decommissioning Projects
Yankee Rowe
Barnhart worked directly for Yankee Atomic Power Company to provide rigging procedures, custom rigging equipment and personnel to place the reactor vessel into a burial cask and remove it from the containment sphere through the equipment hatch. The reactor vessel cask was then transported on a hydraulic platform to rail spur, transferred and secured to rail car for shipment to the burial site.
Maine Yankee
Stone and Webster contracted with Barnhart for the rigging procedures, specialized equipment and personnel to remove from containment, transport, roll on and secure to barge three 450 ton steam generators for shipment to Barnhart’s Heavy Lift Terminal in Memphis, Tennessee. The steam generators were received at the Port of Memphis, rigged and discharged to hydraulic platform trailers using Barnhart’s 1250 ton stiff leg derrick.
Working directly for Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company under a separate contract, Barnhart provided rigging procedures, personnel, and custom designed and fabricated rigging equipment to place the reactor vessel into a burial cask. Once grouting procedures were complete, Barnhart lifted the 900 ton cask from containment, transported, trans-loaded and secured it to rail car.
Big Rock Point
BNFL awarded Barnhart the contract to provide an engineered solution to ensure safe and efficient removal of a reactor vessel and steam drum from containment. Specialized rigging was designed and fabricated to articulate the reactor vessel from containment to a heavy lift gantry hoist lift system. The lift system facilitated swiveling the 360 ton component ninety degrees before it was loaded onto a hydraulic platform trailer. Barnhart then hauled the reactor vessel in its burial cask 55 miles to a rail siding. The burial cask was trans-loaded and secured to rail in preparation for its transport to the burial site. Barnhart worked under a separate contract to provide a modular lift tower to lift and load 40,000 pound contaminated concrete sections from containment to conveyance to support removal from the site. The lift system reduced project cost as well as the footprint size which, in turn, minimized site congestion that would have resulted from use of a heavy lift crane.
Barnhart engineers were called on to provide a rigging solution to facilitate the removal of thermal shield blocks as a part of the decommissioning project. The location of the shield blocks presented obstructions for standard rigging. Barnhart’s solution included a cantilevered beam and specialized rigging used in conjunction with the facility’s overhead crane to ensure safe and efficient removal of the shield blocks.
US Navy YRR-14 Vessel
Energy Solutions hired the Barnhart Team to rig, lift and haul a U.S. Navy reactor refueling ship from the water and deliver it to EnergySolutions radioactive waste processing facility in Memphis, TN. The heavy lifting was provided at Barnhart’s Heavy Lift Terminal in Memphis, TN using our 1250 ton derrick. Barnhart was responsible for securing the necessary permits, arranging for utility wire lifts and the escorts required to haul the 600 ton vessel over the road for the two mile route. All rigging and lift procedures were prepared according to US Navy requirements.
Fermi 1
EnergySolutions awarded Barnhart a contract for the rigging and lifting services required to remove intermediate heat exchangers and sodium pumps. Barnhart designed and fabricated a hydraulic device to upend the heat exchangers with limited headroom. The components were loaded and secured to transporters with the larger components being trans-loaded and secured to railcars for shipment to a burial site. The second segment of the work scope required
Barnhart to design and fabricate a rigging and lift system to support the removal of reactor vessel segments from containment. Hydraulic slide systems and gantry were used in addition to the custom-designed upending device and rigging provided by Barnhart. |